Long Island Sacred Health Network

5 Surprising Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

4 min read

With every cold and flu season you are almost certainly going to come in contact with someone who has some communicable illness. There are a host of ways to combat coughs, colds, sneezes and sniffles. The ideal method of keeping you immune system strong is by following a healthy lifestyle. Get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, don’t smoke and minimize alcohol consumption.  In addition, flu shots and vaccines are effective conventional ways of protecting our bodies against infection. However, there are also some surprisingly lesser known natural methods that can help strengthen your immune system against invaders. 

Herbal cocktail

Echinacea ” Purplecone Flower”

Ok, this first one herb in this cocktail isn’t very surprising but, there are few immune boosting herbal supplements that are as well known as Echinacea. When the correct dosage is taken, echinacea has been shown to give the immune system a bit of a boost. It’s important to note that all echinacea is not the same. Its effectiveness is determined by factors like the variety and quality of the herb as well as the part of the plant that is used. In this case, the root is generally the most potent. Combine this with Reishi Mushroom and the less popular Astragalus root, will give your immune system a power punch. Try this combination for 5-7 days, then off for the same length of time. This is because Echinecea can have an auto-immune effect when taken continuously.


I’ll admit, this may not seem to be a natural method but it shows promise. Recent studies have shown that tattoos may actually have an immune building effect on the body. It is thought that the microscopic injuries you receive from the tattoo needle can jump start an immune response which is intended to help fend off infection. After your new tattoo has healed, your white blood cell count remains heightened due to the foreign ink that is injected under the skin. 

Forest Bathing

A walk outdoors, in the forest in particular can do wonders for your immune system. You will find that this type of therapy can induce relaxation and can help reduce stress. Stress reduction is a key in immune system health and optimization. With forest bathing, you are allowing the mind and body to reconnect with a natural environment in a mindful manner. According to studies, forest bathing trips may have a preventive effect on cancer generation and development.

Use Local Raw Honey

Eating raw unprocessed honey can have wonderful benefits for your immune system. By using local honey, you are ingesting the pollen from your environment which in turn gives your body exposure to allergens and helps to build your immunity. Essentially, it can help kick-start your immune response to help suppress the release of histamine.  There are also properties of honey that helps to reduce the inflammation that can trigger allergic reactions. Although unprocessed honey is ideal, research has shown that raw honey, even after it’s been heated can retain immune building probiotic bacteria.  


I’m sure you’ve heard that humor is the best medicine. It is true that a good laugh makes you feel good, but it can have both mental and physical benefits that most people may not realize. Not only does it relieve tension, anxiety and improves your overall mood, but it helps to reduce stress and boosts your immune system in the process. When you decrease the stress hormones, you will also increase the antibodies in your bloodstream that fight infection. The end result is an improved resistance to illness and disease. So go ahead fight that virus while you get your laugh on.


Physical touching like hugs, hand holding or even playing with your dog can trigger your body to release oxytocin, or the “cuddle hormone”. This hormone seems to reduce stress levels when you make physical contact with another person. Beyond cuddling, if you want a super boost try having sex. Research shows that regular sex can also improve immune function as it causes your body to release an antibody called IGA (immunoglobulin). This antibody is known to help prevent colds and flu.


These are just a few outside of the box immune boosting tips. When it comes to your immune system, eating a well balanced diet will provide the nutrients to support your body’s normal functioning. It will provide all the building blocks needed to maintain the body’s natural defenses against disease. The other big factor is stress reduction. In reality some level of stress is good because it helps your body to grow and adapt. But too much stress can be hazardous to your physical health and your mental well-being. Anything you can do to reduce your stress levels will certainly contribute to your body’s ability to combat disease and illness. That includes participating in regular exercise, getting adequate sleep and cultivating meaningful relationships.

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